1. Events
  2. Spring into the Season: Awesome Spring Events for Biz Owners

Spring into the Season: Awesome Spring Events for Biz Owners


Spring has officially arrived in the Okanagan (kinda sorta) and that means there’s all sorts of great spring events happening to help you take your business to the next level.

From skills development workshops to industry chats to networking events to just plain old-fashioned fun, there’s no shortage of ways to get out and about with the business community this spring. We love making new friends just as much as we love seeing old ones, and that’s why we’re always hosting great community events. Here are just a few of the best coLab events that are coming up.


coffee + code

Coffee + Code: Boost Your Coding Skills in Style

Are you a superstar coder, or looking to become one? Is the keyboard jockey lifestyle calling your name? Come have a fun industry chat with other developers & programmers at Coffee + Code, a monthly meetup for developers.

This event features a roundtable discussion where attendees can ask for help with their coding projects, presentations about useful skills, Jabber shout-outs, and great Q&A’s.

The next Coffee + Code meetup is May 2 from 12 PM to 4 PM in the coLab – you can snag your ticket here.

Cost: FREE!



Startup Founder Hot Seat: Come See Great Startup Pitches

Do you have an idea for a startup? Could you use blunt, honest (and maybe even a little soul-crushing) feedback on your ideas from experienced startup advisors and entrepreneurs who’ve been there, done that, and have the caffeine addiction to prove it? Then you’ll love Startup Founder Hot Seat.

At this event, participants will present their startup ideas to our expert panel, who will evaluate and critique the ideas, but without the high-stakes pressure of the Dragon’s Den.

Come see startup experts Todd Embley, Warren MacPhee, and Richard Tuck evaluate these ideas on June 1st at the coLab. Get your ticket today!

Cost: FREE!

Crafternoon Brews: Share a Beer with Awesome People

The spring weather means it’s more tempting than ever to head out for some fun, but before you embark on your Friday night plans, join us for some after-work brewskis! Crafternoon Brews is a fun, casual networking/social event centered around something that everyone loves: craft beer.

(Or craft cider, if that’s your thing. Or wine, if you’re not a beer person. Any alcoholic beverage will do, really.)

Stop by the coLab April 20 from 4 PM to 6 PM and share a drink with fun, creative, work-hard-play-hard people who always have a great story or two to tell. The event is BYOCB, so bring a drink to share!

Cost: We don’t want your money. Just bring an awesome craft brew to share with the group.


T.S. Eliot was wrong – April is the coolest month. Come check out one of these great events and learn, laugh, and have a fun time with us!

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Spring Cleaning Your Brain: 3 Mindset Shifts That Will Grow Your Business
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