1. Community
  2. New Faces in Familiar Places: A Hearty coLab Welcome to Annika Nebe

New Faces in Familiar Places: A Hearty coLab Welcome to Annika Nebe


There’s a friendly new face welcoming visitors to the coLab.

If you’ve happened to pass by the coLab reception area in the past little while, you’ve likely noticed Annika Nebe fielding phone calls, sending emails, scanning documents, or making (really good) coffee.

Annika has joined the Okanagan coLab as our official Community Animator, and we couldn’t be happier.

In her own words, Annika’s job is “to connect and communicate”. She provides operational and administrative support in the coLab, and keeps coLab’s day-to-day functions running smoothly. Annika is also involved in planning coLab’s events, and is looking for more opportunities to contribute.

Originally hailing from Hamburg, Germany, Annika moved to Canada in 2013 and is now a permanent resident.

Annika enjoys leading a healthy lifestyle, and in her spare time she enjoys exploring the outdoors. Annika is a yoga enthusiast and an avid hiker.

Annika loves traveling, and is planning to visit Bali and New Zealand in the near future. She is also planning to tour Canada.

Annika is most excited about coLab’s events. As a 12-year veteran of the event planning industry, Annika is eager to contribute her skills to coLab by organizing useful and fun events:

“We use Slack and email every day, but nothing replaces that face-to-face personal connection. That’s why I got into event planning, and that’s why I want to organize great events at coLab.”

coLab is excited to have Annika on board, and you can expect to see her becoming more and more involved in coLab initiatives in the near future.

Come say hello to Annika in the coLab plaza, connect with her on LinkedIn, or send her a welcome email at [email protected].

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coLab 2: The coLabbening (Or, Check Out Our Fancy Schmancy Rebrand!)
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