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  2. Reflecting on Coworking Week 2016

Reflecting on Coworking Week 2016


We would just like to start by saying THANK YOU! Coworking Week couldn’t have been as great as it was without everyone who attended. If it wasn’t for fantastic folks like yourself we wouldn’t be able to do what we do.

Our Coworking Week 2016 celebrations at co+Lab were a huge success thanks to all of our members and friends from the community that came by to either work alongside us or take part in some of the events we had throughout the week. Seeing so many faces, both new and familiar, making their way through the space and becoming part of the shared community at co+Lab was incredible. We look forward to seeing you all again very soon!

In case you missed it, here’s a quick recap of some of the week’s highlights.

One of the guests that dropped by was Asher J. Klassen. Asher is a cartoonist, illustrator, longbowman, and comics expert. We profiled him on our blog, so be sure to learn all about what he’s up to.


Karma Lacoff was another of our Coworking Week guests. She is the Executive and Creative Director for Creative Okanagan. Creative Okanagan has a lot of really exciting things coming up, thanks in no small part to Karma’s efforts. Be sure to check out our interview with her on the blog.


At lunch time on Tuesday and Friday we showed some short films and talks about coworking, remote working, and the ever-evolving ways that people work. With an abundance of popcorn and passionate people everyone had a good time conversing about coworking and community. We were definitely picking up some good vibes from the room and look forward to seeing more and more people make the transition towards remote working.


As an added bonus, our foosball table was as busy as ever. We filmed a quick timelapse of the tail-end of a Kodie Beckley vs. Shane Lapp singles game. It was a tight match, but Shane ended up coming out on top at 5-4.


With everything said and done, Coworking Week 2016 was an absolute blast. We couldn’t have done it without the support of all of our wonderful members and community friends. If you missed Coworking Week this year, fret not! Our door is always open to people interested in checking out the space, and you can be assured that next year we are going to be celebrating Coworking Week again.

What is coworking week?

This year was the 11th anniversary for coworking and we at co+Lab celebrated International Coworking Day on August 12th 2016 in a BIG way. From August 8th to August 12th we provided 1 day of free coworking from August 8th to 12th, leading up to the big day.

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Karma Lacoff – Guest Spotlight – Coworking Week 2016
co+Lab Buzz #13