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  2. OK co+Lab 4th Anniversary Special

OK co+Lab 4th Anniversary Special


Greetings readers! Since it’s the OK co+Lab’s fourth anniversary, we thought it would be fun to make a little “best of co+Lab” blog post to celebrate.


This was co+Lab’s very first tweet waayyy back in 2011 (ancient history!)


Themed wardrobe days keep the coworking machine running smoothly. Who doesn’t love Flannel Fridays in the Pacific Northwest, right?


happy plaid n' flannel friday @okcolab!     


Productivity happens at all hours of the day around co+Lab.


  Getting some work done in the dark. #freelance #craftbeer   A photo posted by Kodie Beckley (@kodiebeckley) on

We may or may not play Cards Against Humanity from time-to-time…


Cards against Humanity night!

A photo posted by Daryl Chymko (@dchymko) on


or build Ikea furniture…


ikea.Assemble() A photo posted by Daryl Chymko (@dchymko) on

Which can look pretty good once it’s built!




This whiteboard has been put to some serious good use since it first arrived in 2014:


Of course, everyone needs a little support…


lamp-love notes. reason #76 why working @okcolab is amazeballs.

A photo posted by gunsinger (@gunsinger) on



…which is why we love to share knowledge and collaborate!


@dawsonrb developing ideas #affinitymapping #uxbreakfast A photo posted by Digital Okanagan (@digitalokanagan) on

And for the record, Halloween and productivity DO mix.


Discussing the “why” behind #UX. Awesome conversation @uxbreakfast #leancoffeekl

A photo posted by Brent Lachman (@brentlachman) on


There was once a great haunting in the co+Lab…



Also, hockey. After all, we’re in Canada, eh?


@ashwood’s multi-purpose office space A photo posted by @manderbomb on




Don’t worry, we won’t judge if you’re not into hockey. We love other sports, too. Like foosball. #witnessthefitness with the mighty Tom, who flew from Australia just to show Canadians how to play foosball properly…



PS – this is what it looks like after you lose a foosball match to Tom. #justjokes





Shine on, you crazy diamond.



Sometimes we forget to clean the fridge, though…





…but why eat those crusty leftovers when there are so many great eateries in downtown Kelowna to eat at instead?


Assembly of human awesomeness at co+Lunch. #coworking #community #kelowna   A photo posted by Okanagan co+Lab (@okcolab) on


Do you want to join the fun at the co+Lab?

Of course you do! Join us and help us keep the coworking dream alive in Kelowna!

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