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  2. A Coworker’s Day in the Life at co+Lab

A Coworker’s Day in the Life at co+Lab


Questions around the coworking experience come up often, and despite rumours, it’s just not as glamorous as some people make it out to be. There are no rockstars in our peaceful hub and the most outrageous thing you’ll witness is the everyday dedication and hard work of our resident entrepreneurs and professionals.

This post will give you an overview of a typical “day in the life” of a coworking regular.

Coworking Photo Grid


Around 8:30 a.m. many of our morning crew are filtering in and congregate around our espresso machine. You might say our obsession around coffee is rather fetish-like, but it’s merely a seed for the interesting conversations that happen between our citizens — clients, sports, family, and local news are all typical fare. Every day we learn new and interesting things about the people we work around.

The name of the game is to jump to a productive state as seamlessly as possible, so every person has their own magic formula. Music mixes are set, calendars items are agendized, and the day’s routine is set into action.

Occasionally, we’ll welcome a new member to the space. We’ll provide them with the basics; a fob to have 24/7 access to the building, instructions on how to print, how to book conference rooms, how to use the coffee machine. They settle down at a desk and casually meet new coworkers during the day. They don’t realize it yet, but this is the start of a wonderful journey.


As of late, there are two typical activities that happen at the time period around lunch. The first is, of course, eating lunch. Coworkers break out in our meeting space and engage in conversation much like the morning’s session. The second is a daily installation of the co+Lab foosball tournament. Be careful, you might get sharked by one of our foosball pros, coaxing you into an all-in bet on your match!

If you’d like to relax, you might choose to head down to the Kelowna lakeshore paths for an invigorating lunch stroll, or swim, if the weather is looking promising.

Every month we host a lunch hour session, called co+Lunch where we talk about new events and initiatives happening at co+Lab. Members have an opportunity to weigh in on things that matter in their existence at the space; anything from space artwork to coffee orders to our new student mentorship program are discussed.


You’ll notice that time flies quickly at the space — one minute it’s 8:05 and the next it’s 2:55!

This hive of activity is quite unique in that everyone who works here is on their own track, and uses the space in a personal and distinct manner. No other place in the city houses cyber security gurus, design experts, non-profit directors, business development specialists, social innovation champions, art connoisseurs, and edu-revolutionaries all under one roof. You walk in and it just feels productive.

That’s why we love it. Every day is exciting, and new, and different. And yeah, like any work environment, it has its challenging days. Don’t even get us started about an 4-minute and 51-second Internet outage (utter chaos), or when a mountain of dishes piles up in the kitchen. But those inconveniences are such a small part of what we’re making happen here that it doesn’t matter.

We’re growing a community, and we couldn’t be more excited to be a part of it.

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International Coworking Day is August 9, 2014
heART school – Constructing a Creative Community Centre
International Coworking Day is August 9, 2014