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Mindset Mastery: An Interview with coLab Member Danielle Grant

coLab News - Danielle Grant

Photo Credit: Daniel Jones Photography | https://thedanieljones.com/

Mindset development is one of the key pieces of any successful entrepreneur’s journey. Mindset helps you keep your chill when everything is on fire. Mindset gives you a wider perspective on challenges, enabling you to see solutions you might’ve otherwise missed. And mindset is how you learn to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

But having a positive, growth-oriented, mega-money-making mindset is the antithesis of what your mind naturally wants to do. Millions of years of evolution has programmed our monkey brains to prioritize survival over thriving, safety over standing out, comfort over achievement.

And anyone who wants to build a successful business must first unlearn these pre-programmed beliefs…and replace them with beliefs that foster growth.

That’s what Danielle Grant is all about. Danielle is the brains behind Your Mindset Mentor, and she helps 6- and 7-figure entrepreneurs move beyond the mental blocks keeping them stuck – both professionally and personally. 

Danielle is also the host of the Mind Vibe podcast, a mindset-oriented podcast with over 10,000 downloads.

An ex-corporate ladder climber, Danielle went on an 18-year journey into the world of mindset before starting the first iteration of her business 3 years ago. 

Now, Danielle helps other entrepreneurs get out of their own way, dissolve their limiting beliefs, restructure their thought patterns, and cultivate a mindset that enables success.

Her clients include Olympic hopefuls, army veterans, agency founders, and solopreneurs.

Danielle says that entrepreneurship is about pivoting – that’s something she’s done repeatedly in her own business, and it’s something that she helps her clients do with their mindsets. Most recently, she made the difficult but necessary decision to pivot her own offerings to better serve her audience of entrepreneurs.

“I let go of 80% of my business…things weren’t working, I was running into a lot of resistance. I knew that if I focused on the things that were working, my business would go in the direction I wanted it to.”

Now, Danielle is focusing on creating courses and experiences that help entrepreneurs scale their businesses in a soul-aligned way.

Watch Danielle’s interview with Okanagan coLab Community Manager Carolina Nogueira below to learn what her most impactful mindset tactic is – and how you can transform your limiting beliefs in just 3 simple steps.

Danielle Grant is a blunt, no-fluff, hilarious mindset mentor for 6- and 7-figure entrepreneurs who’s obsessed with anything mindset, personal growth, and the spiritual soul. Learn more about Danielle at https://yourmindsetmentor.com

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