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Come Celebrate Small Business Week at coLab


This year, Small Business Week runs from October 20 to 26, 2019. And coLab has lots of awesome stuff planned to help you grow your business & have fun at the same time.

There’s a popular saying that goes something like this:

Running a small business is like riding a bicycle.

Except the bicycle is on fire. And the road is on fire. And you’re on fire. Because you’re in hell.

And while the challenges of running a small business can sometimes have you wishing that you were burning in a lake of sulphur with a red-coated immortal being stabbing you in the behind with a flaming pitchfork, there are also a lot of unique benefits you’ll find as a small business owner that are worthy of celebration.

Maybe it’s the opportunity to bring to life spectacular innovations that nobody has ever thought of before. 

Or perhaps it’s the satisfaction that comes with knowing you get to run your own show, knowing you aren’t beholden to anyone for your income.

Or it could be something as simple as the fulfilment that comes from making your living from your creativity and smarts.

Plus, there’s a certain amount of prestige and pride that happens when someone asks what you do, and you reply, “I’m a small business owner.”

(The popular cliche is, in fact, true: Small businesses are indeed the backbone of the economy.)

At coLab, we love small business owners, and that’s why we’re planning some amazing Small Business Week activities that you’re sure to love. 

Come visit coLab during the week of October 20-26 and check out some of these awesome events!

Oct 22 2019: Trep Talks, Teamwork Edition

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

On Tuesday, October 22, coLab is hosting a special edition of Trep Talks that will examine why startups founded by teams are more successful than startups founded by solo professionals. 

This Trep Talk, “Making the Team Work to Make the Dream Work”, will dig into the latest and greatest strategies on team leadership and facilitation to give you the skills you need to take your team’s performance to the next level. This event’s expert panel will share the tactics they use to boost team engagement, create positive team dynamics, and incorporate team members’ greatest skills into their operations in a way that achieves peak performance.

Tickets for this event are $15 each. You can purchase a ticket for this Trep Talk here.

Oct 23 2019: Find Balance with Lunchtime Yoga & Meditation

On October 23 at noon, local yoga teacher Drew Hertz will come to coLab to help all of us tightly-wound stress machines find a little peace and quiet. Whether you’re looking to stretch out your pretzel back or just calm your mind & stop freaking out about the fact that all your projects are on fire, this yoga & meditation power hour is a great chance to feel less like a productivity machine and more like a person.

coLab’s yoga & meditation sessions happen every Wednesday at 12 PM in Affinity Hall. You can drop in for an individual session for $10, or register for weekly sessions for just $30/month.

This paid event requires advance registration. To register for this event, contact our Co-founder Shane Austin at [email protected] or Community Manager Carolina Nogueira at [email protected].

Oct 24 2019: Become a Google Ads Ninja with Shopify

Have you ever thought to yourself, “if only I knew my way around Google Ads, I could rake in money like there’s no tomorrow”?

If so, then this Google Ads for Beginners event is something you can’t miss.

At this event, Exposed Marketing founder Aleem Fidai will show you everything you need to know to get started with Google Ads – from how to define a target audience, to how to set up an ad, to integrating Google Ads with your Shopify website through Google Smart Shopping. 

This free event takes place at coLab on October 24, 2019 from 5:30 PM to 8 PM. Register for the event here.

At coLab, Small Business Week is our favourite time of year. Come see why. Check out one of these awesome events and meet like-minded entrepreneurs who are doing awesome stuff. 

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