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  2. Winter Survival Kit

Winter Survival Kit


Working in your jammies? Totally overrated.

Conquer the winter doldrums and accelerate your business growth through the cold, dark winter months so that you can leap into spring ahead of the game.

Winter is a tough time to be working from home. Between the fridge full of delicious food, the longer nights and shorter days, and the cold chill and howling winds, it’s easy to feel as if you’ve been abandoned in a remote shack for months, left to survive off whatever holiday joy you can absorb.

That’s where getting into a social environment with other hard-working entrepreneurs and independent professionals can help you fend off the winter slump, spark your creativity, and careen into the spring with enthusiasm.

Why join co+Lab? Building a business takes a ton of time and effort… AND working alone sucks. co+Lab connects you with a powerful group of mentors and motivators, whom you trust and have your back. Porter Gale once said that “your network is your net worth”, which means that when you join our network you getting big-thinking perspectives and priceless feedback: you solicit the help of your co-work mates, getting valuable perspectives on a challenges that would otherwise be difficult to tackle alone.

With this in mind, we’re excited to announce our Coworking Winter Survival Kit. From now until December 1st, 2016, all new memberships will be 50% off the first month! Use the promo-code WINTERISCOMING.

Want to check us out? Come take a tour.

What our members have to say…

Marcus Rideout“co+Lab has changed my life for the better. Felt like I hit a ceiling with my “home based” business, and getting plugged in socially/renting office space has renewed my passion for building my company!” — Marcus Rideout

Tasha Da Silva “I’ve spent years drowning in a stifling home office environment; complete with flannel pajamas, bedroom slippers & a lap cat. Moving into a resident space at co+Lab has brought motivation and excitement back into my business world. co+Lab is full of kindred entrepreneurial spirits to share my work space and experiences with. In addition; the workshops, community events and free flow of Cherry Hill Coffee brings this space together…” — Tasha Da Silva

Ready to start owning your winter and building your business in a stimulating new environment? Get in touch with co+Lab today to get your winter membership discount. This offer is going to melt away faster than Kelowna’s first snowfall, so don’t lay down for a long winter’s nap just yet! Contact co+Lab today to schedule a tour.

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