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  2. Welcome to Snigdha, coLab’s new Community Animator

Welcome to Snigdha, coLab’s new Community Animator

A sunset in the middle of winter.

When I pictured a coworking space, I would imagine a high-paced office bustling with people focused on their own tasks, not their surroundings and the people around them. That’s what has made coLab a truly unique space to work, with everyone just going at their own pace; music, dogs barking and coffee machines filling in the silence instead of phones ringing; and an open space available 24/7 for members to come and go as they please. But enough about my description of the space, time for me to introduce myself and share my story.

So, who am I? I’m in my fourth year at UBCO and majoring in psychology. I only found my passion for psychology after taking a course in my very first semester and knew that I wanted to learn more about what makes us fundamentally human, and it doesn’t hurt that there is so much potential for psychology to be applied to any field. Specifically, I’m interested in organizational behavior so that means I want to learn more about how groups interact with each other and how to avoid conflict in the workplace. But I’ve always been interested in mental health, especially as it has become more important than ever to look after ourselves in the midst of the pandemic. I see myself as empathetic and kind, and I’m someone who feels a strong need to help people and cannot see others unhappy.

Fun fact about myself, I grew up in three different countries before moving to Canada about 3.5 years ago. I’m originally from India, but I finished high school in Singapore and my family now live in Dubai. As a child I would move every 2 or 3 years, so that meant a new school and making new friends every couple of years. Growing up in many different environments has allowed me to appreciate diversity in communities and experience distinct cultures apart from my own. I never used to like moving so often, but now I can see that it prepared me for the move to university as it made me more independent and showed me how diverse the world really is.

My hobbies include reading (both fiction and anything I might find interesting on the internet), keeping up with what’s happening in the world, listening to music, and checking out the latest movie or TV show on Netflix (I’m always open to recommendations). I also love traveling (when there isn’t a global pandemic going on) and have been to several different countries across the globe. Another thing I like to do is take photos of pretty sunsets across Kelowna because we get plenty of those, and I’m including some really gorgeous ones here. I’m really excited to be here and learn more about coLab, everyone who’s a part of the community, and marketing strategies.

Snigdha Mukhija is a co-op student at coLab in her fourth year at UBCO. She joins us a co-op Community Animator/Coordinator. She is interested in conflict management and hopes to go into human resources or marketing. But that’s only half the story, she also loves reading and is a Netflix addict. She loves learning anything new (whether it’s a fact about a country or a course in consulting and management). Follow her at Snigdha Mukhija or find her around coLab.

This one was taken last Thursday 🙂
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Going Loco for Local: One coLabber’s Mission to Supercharge the Okanagan Economy
Getting to know coLab’s newest members, the team of OOMM Games