1. Buzz
  2. co+Lab Buzz #5

co+Lab Buzz #5


This is the fifth sanity-smashing issue of our series co+Lab Buzz. For you, our valued reader, our minions gather up tantalizing and newsworthy accomplishments of our coworking space and deliver them to you on a silver platter. 

co+Lab Buzz

Enjoy edition #5!

donnieDonnie Ungaro
“After an amazing 3 years of community people, engaging in volunteerism and raising over $260,000 in funds and services for non-profits, I have decided to focus my full attention to my socially conscious venture www.culinaryink.com and have resigned from the OYP Collective. We are currently seeking names of persons that would be a good fit to take the OYP to the next level.

I will be running 3 bikes in Kelowna, UBCO, OC and the Landmark area, in addition to working with entrepreneurs and NPOs to being franchising across North America. I auditioned for Dragon’s Den and hope to get the call in the coming weeks.

We should be doing our soft launch the week of April 7-10 and open full time the following week. We donate 10% of profits to the Kelowna Food Bank, Metro Community and Soles4Souls Canada in addition to running our operations from a self-containted bike and using only biodegrable packaging.

I hope to serve you in the near future.”

Thomas FinsterbuschThomas Finsterbusch
Thomas from startup Cape Productions recently joined the space, and is loving it. Cape will be operating at Big White until the end of this season. For more information on their Big White partnership go to https://www.capehq.com/bigwhite.

Tom MaxwellTom Maxwell
“I am finalist at the Kelowna Civic Awards! I’m up for Volunteer Coach of the year for my work with the Kelowna Kodiaks Street Soccer team. To be fair, they could only put one name on the nomination ballot, so i’m merely a representation of the team of volunteers that work hard to make the team happen, but I am still humbled by the nomination!

Christian BrandtChristian Brandt
“As part of providing more people with convenient and affordable access to CarSharing in Kelowna, OGO Car Share Co-op will expand its fleet and will add its 6th vehicle to its fleet on Friday April 10th. The newest addition to OGO’s fleet will be parked at the City Hall parking lot downtown, only a 3 minute walk from the co+Lab.”

craigCraig Powell
Craig works with evolve, who recently joined co+Lab and says, “A most interesting factoid in my life is my exposure to co+Lab. I’ve moved from being ignorant to this kind of community to seeing the light and “getting it” why this works. Thank you everyone for such a warm welcome. ”

Justin Goodhew -Digital Marketing EntrepreneurJustin Goodhew
“Now that Summer is pretty much here…. in March…. Crazy!  I am focusing on volleyball and biking. I also am happy to report that I have figured out how to score on John VDW in foosball so the co+Lab games are getting more intense. Also starting some exciting new contracts doing some e-commerce digital marketing, business development and (hopefully) some social media strategy in the optical space. Lastly, I had the opportunity to share my experiences at the UBCO career panel for soon to be grads. 

JulesJules Galloway
“evolve are loving being part of the space – instant propulsion into the fantastic community that is co+Lab. We’ve made a start on our office refresh – apologies to the brick wall lovers.. It is now no more… Gone too is the board that is white that is not a whiteboard. Replaced with a MADNESS that is only rivaled at Mardi Gras…

Our business is kicking. I’m so excited about the projects underway, and those in the pipeline and we are REALLY excited about the Project that we are undertaking with co+Lab itself and how we can bring our passion for functional space alive in line with the co+Lab vision.

Exciting times at co+Lab – be there (or be a brick wall)…”

JulesKodie Beckley
“What’s new in the world of Kodie? Well, I’m launching a series of firearm illustrations starting this weekend which will be posted on my Behance and Dribbble pages. I’ve been looking forward to attending Brent’s Cornerstones of Code class coming up right away, and I’m very excited to see what sort of things we’ll be covering.”

Find out about all of co+Lab’s members »

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